Friday, May 21, 2010

How Clever You are, Darlin'! You Never Mean a Single Word You Say

There are those who can't  handle the truth 
 & there are those who are never truthful.
Both describe  Erik Taylor.

Erik Taylor is the  type who, when caught in a lie, 
will do everything BUT admit he lied....
He is the KING OF DENIAL when caught lying. 

When caught in a lie Erik often:

* Tells more lies to cover his lie
* Pretends he didn't hear you
* Starts insulting you,  calling you names
* He just talks over you, loudly & non stop
* Accuses you of lying
* Describes past events to make you look bad
  (usually he's lying about what really happened)
* Storms off in a huff then pretends nothing
    happened the next time you meet
* Gives explanations that don't make sense
* Explains why  they "weren't really lies"

The truth is that you never know when,
& about what Erik might lie. 
All you need to know is that he will lie

Erik Taylor, Musician?

Just how drunk does one have to be to write
something like this : (Actual quote)

"It's all screwed, man.
All of a sudden, I found myself in love...
So there was only one thing that I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long
half my time baby
I've been telling you I ain't for sure.
Not for sale. Not for free.
Not seen or to be believed.
I gave ya the upper tupper ring a ling
'cause I got nothing to lose
especially my feeling.
and it ain't going away,
it ain't going away...
like that rise I git on my hell-bound sleigh"


Friday, May 7, 2010

Erik Taylor and His Mid-life Crisis

Hey,you on the Harley! Yes, you! Erik Taylor! 

Your mid life crisis is showing! You're a typical middle aged loser trying to resolve your mid-life crisis & recapture the glory days of your youth.

You should have  got  a  red sports  car instead. 
Something that you could put the top down on 
& drive around with your hair blowing in the warm breeze.

Nevermind!   Sorry  about  that!
Forget about the hair blowing in the breeze part. 
You  don't  have  much  left.

You didn't go for the red sports car, instead you got a 

used  white  Mercedes -  Isn't  that  model  called 
"Cheap, Old Man"? Did you get white to match your 
pasty white complexion?

Erik Taylor Helps Hookers!

You don't give 
hookers money 
to help them,

You pay them to 
have sex with you!

Erik Taylor says he is " helping" hookers
when he gives them money.   But wait!
He's not just handing them money, no strings attached. There are plenty of strings attached!

The years of alcohol and drug use have taken their toll, so it's dicey as to whether Erik will 
be able to get his thang on...  If he does, he will
be on and off  faster  than you can say,
" Erik has to pay to get laid".   
Then  Erik expects them to listen to hours of 
his meth propelled non-stop rambling bullshit 
when time seems to stand still.

In what warped world does Erik live in?  How is 
Erik helping anyone but himself?  The hookers 
EARNED every cent and earned it the hard way.
It's  not  pleasant being in  the company of a
narcissistic sociopath
like Erik Taylor.

If  you  visit a hooker in  a  private  home in  
Sunnyvale -   you  might want to  check  the
closet  because  there  might  be  someone  
hiding  in  there,  watching  you,  while  he 
gets  his jollies.

Moving Out and Away From Erik Taylor

I should have told him before he left for work exactly what I felt and why I left.
I was still trying to be a decent as possible about it, and I have no idea why. Good old Erik Taylor was rarely decent to me. Only when he wanted something.

I moved in one night and immediately knew it was a HUGE mistake. I waited until Erik Taylor went to work the next morning and I bolted.

I should have laid it all on him! How I just couldn't face waking up next to his ugly face and even uglier, mean personality.
"A close call"  or  "What was I thinking"
feeling of panic
hit me while moving my stuff to his house.

I tried to tell myself I was just nervous.  This was a big step to take. When I realized just what I'd have to deal with every morning, well I knew I had to leave. I waited til he went to work to get the hell out of there. Packed my stuff and got the hell out of dodge. Okay, so I used the ugly one's Dodge for a quick getaway.

Ugly doesn't really begin to describe him. I wasn't there an hour and his true self came out. The part of himself that he hides as much as possible but it's always there, ready to burst out and destroy everything and everyone.

Erik Taylor yelled at me at every difference of opinion we had- big or small. He had to have EVERYTHING his way. He started telling me what I was going to eat,  what I could and couldn't do. He thought he was in total control of me. What an idiot! He should have known better.  He isn't even in control of his own life!

I wasn't to answer the phone, I wasn't allowed to have friends over. There wasn't room for my stuff and suddenly my cats weren't welcome there but he was happy to make room for me in his bed. Guess he forgot that the cats will always come before him. After all, I've lived with them for over 14 years. I didn't even last 24 hours with him!

Erik Taylor is was rude, critical and expected me to read his mind. To anticipate what he'd want. He expected me to clean his filthy house, take care of all the things he's slacked off on for months. To take care of him (wake him up, make his lunch, make sure he didn't lose this job like all the others). He wanted a full time personal assistant and housekeeper. All that without pay, just for the "honor" of being able to sleep in his bed.

Okay, so it wasn't just facing his ugly face every morning that made me run, it was how ugly he acts.  If he looked like George Clooney I might have stayed more than one night before I moved back out. I might have lasted a couple of days before I left.

I learned my lesson and am taking it slow. I made a stupid impulsive decision but fortunately I came to my senses & dodged the bullet

What was I thinking??????!!!!

Erik Taylor is Hell on Earth

Erik Taylor, you sure do a great job at creating Hell on Earth for people you come into contact with.  Are you intentionally out to make everyone around you miserable  or  are you homesick and trying to recreate where you came from?

I'm afraid you've misunderstood my intentions. You seem to be confused about the attention you're getting from me.  Let me assure you  I still dislike you intensely, hate you, really. I find you repulsive, vile, and frankly you're boring, shallow and dim witted.

Let me check and make sure. Yep.  I still dislike you more than anyone else on earth.  I still hate your guts. Keep that in mind PRICK. You hit me. You treated me badly.  Whatever happens to you-  you deserve it.  You haven't paid for anything.  Your time will come,  you ugly piece of shit.

I hope that clears up any misunderstandings you may have had.