Sunday, June 13, 2010

Everyone Hates Erik Taylor

Everyone DOES hate you, Erik Taylor  and for good reason.  You deserve to be hated.  You are so selfish and self centered that no one else matters to you.  It's ALL about you ALL the time.  You behave as if no one else is important  Unless there is something in it for you,  you are not interested.  You use, and abuse people.

Everyone hates you,  Erik Taylor.  Your family.  Former friends.  Everyone you get involved with.  Everyone who spends enough time with you and  gets to know the REAL you ends up hating you.  Yet you still don't get it. YOU ARE NOT A NICE PERSON,  ERIK!

You are ugly on the outside  and  ugly on the inside.

How Many Times Do I Need To Say This, Erik Taylor?

You are sleazy and low class, Erik Taylor.   You couldn't
tell the truth if you life depended on it.  You are a typical 
loser who pays for sex.  You are  not fun and  you are not 
charming -  you are boring and you are fake.  Your mind 
is  too screwed up  to ever be able to have  any  kind of 
normal,  healthy relationship.  Your priorities  are really 
twisted and  your attempts to impress are just sad.
Being around you is a  miserable experience.  I can't 

think anything more  boring than spending  time with 
you when all you try to do is get me into bed.  You 
are lousy in bed and  I am  NOT  going to have sex 
with you ever again!  I am  tired  of hearing all your 
lies.  How  you love me  and  you  care about  me. 
Well, you have a funny way of showing it.  All you 
can do is say those words.  You don't mean them.  
Actions speak louder than words  and  you have
proved that you only care about yourself.
You are done taking up my time and wasting my time. 

I've made it VERY clear that I am  NOT  interested. 
You had your chance and you blew it.
If you believe I have any fond feelings towards you, 
you are delusional. We are NOT  friends. 

I can't stand you  and  I  find you  repulsive.
Get it?   It's OVER!

Erik Taylor, Dork

Erik Taylor doesn't realize that
a dork on a Harley
is still a dork!

Erik is just another fifty year old man
going through a mid life crisis.

I'll say it again.
A dork on a Harley
is still a dork