Friday, May 21, 2010

How Clever You are, Darlin'! You Never Mean a Single Word You Say

There are those who can't  handle the truth 
 & there are those who are never truthful.
Both describe  Erik Taylor.

Erik Taylor is the  type who, when caught in a lie, 
will do everything BUT admit he lied....
He is the KING OF DENIAL when caught lying. 

When caught in a lie Erik often:

* Tells more lies to cover his lie
* Pretends he didn't hear you
* Starts insulting you,  calling you names
* He just talks over you, loudly & non stop
* Accuses you of lying
* Describes past events to make you look bad
  (usually he's lying about what really happened)
* Storms off in a huff then pretends nothing
    happened the next time you meet
* Gives explanations that don't make sense
* Explains why  they "weren't really lies"

The truth is that you never know when,
& about what Erik might lie. 
All you need to know is that he will lie